British Para Table Tennis (BPTT) would like to introduce you to the world of playing Table Tennis. If you have only just started on your Table Tennis playing experience we would direct you to contact your local Table Tennis club who will provide facilities for you to play at either social or competitive levels. Use our Club Finder below to find contact information on these clubs near to you.
Find places to play
The Club Finder has been developed to help people find suitable opportunities to play para table tennis. Whether you are looking to play socially, or join a club, the search will highlight the opportunities available in your area.
Competition as always is an integral part of our sport and is catered for by BPTT. Most local Table Tennis clubs offer some form of competition, whether it be at internal club or local league based.
BPTT also offer a small Grand Prix circuit for more advanced players who wish to test their playing skills at the higher level. Each year in addition BPTT hold the Michael Hawksworth National Championships. All of these tournaments participate in the BPTT Ranking system where players gain and sometimes lose ranking points based on their individual performance at these tournaments.

If you wish to play in the doubles and do not have a partner, a partner will be allocated to you.

The doubles and junior events will be run at the same time so players cannot play in both. Players who are eligible for the junior event must decide which of the two events – doubles or junior – they wish to play in.

There will be three bands.. Players may only play in one band but they may elect to play in a higher band if they so wish:
Band A – Players ranked 1 to 12.
Band B – Players ranked 13 to 25
Band C – Players ranked outside the top 25

Players will play against other players in their Class. Classes will be split into male and female categories. Organisers reserve the right to merge classes and/or male female categories if insufficient entries are received (less than 3), apart from class 11 which is never merged, if less than 3 it will be cancelled.
If you are unsure what class you are (1-11) please contact the organiser who can help.
All competitions will be held under the rules of the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF).

All tables and nets/posts will be ITTF approved.

Classification System
Events are based on a Classification system which can be seen below. Entry is open to all players with a disability. Players will be grouped into the following classes:
Class One - Profiles 1, 2, 4 and 5
For those with power loss. Elbow and wrist extension is achieved by swinging movements of the shoulder. All trunk movements are achieved by holding on to the wheelchair with the hand, or back of the wheelchair with the elbow bent. For those with poor co-ordination, there are unorthodox arm and trunk movements. A maximum playing-arm score of 45 points for power, range or co-ordination (P,R or C) is allowed.
Class Two - Profiles 3 and 6
For those with power loss. Elbow extension should be possible, but the wrists and hands are weaker. The trunk movements are as in class 1. A maximum playing-arm score of 55 points for power, range or co-ordination is allowed.
Class Three - Profiles 7, 8 and 9
Trunk affected by more than 50% loss of power, range, or co-ordination, or maximum score for playing arm is 68, or non-playing arm unable to hold on to chair and a maximum score of 48 for P,R or C.
Class Four - Profile 10
Trunk movements to increase reach are only possible by using free arm to prop, hold or push at wheelchair or thigh. P,C or R scores for legs are 20 or below.
Class Five - Profile 11
Trunk may be bent forward or raised deliberately in sagittal plane without use of arms. Pushing action with legs is allowed. Scores for P,R or C should be below 45 in each leg.
Class Six - Profiles 12, 13, 17 and 31
Combination of loss of P,R or C in playing arm and legs. Dynamic and static balance moderately impaired.
Class Seven - Profiles 21, 22, 26 and 29
Mainly arm impairment. Maximum score for P,R or C is 60 for arms. If legs are also impaired a score of 68 is allowed.
Class Eight - Profiles 14, 18, 19, 20, 27 and 28
One leg severely impaired, or two legs moderately impaired. Maximum P,R or C score for one impaired leg is 30 and for both impaired legs is 60. For hemiplegics maximum leg score is 40.
Class Nine - Profiles 15, 20, 23 and 25 (very minimal)
One leg impaired. Some people with impairment in both legs may be more suited to this class. Maximum score for P,R or C for one impaired limb is 60 or for both impaired limbs is 68.
Class Ten - Profiles 16, 24 and 30
Impairment of P,R or C in the non-playing arm or in the trunk. Maximum score for arm is 68 and for trunk is 50.
Class Eleven - Profile 39
For Players with Learning disability (IQ below 75).
Classification / Profiles
The International Para Table Tennis Committee classification system will be used in conjunction with DSE profiles. For more information, visit
Classification/ Registration for players with a learning disability
Players must hold a national or International (INAS) registration. Details and copies of the form are available from the Mencap Sport website at
Entry to our competitions can be completed online with payment or if you prefer entry and payment can be made offline using a dowloaded entry form. So if you would like to enter any of our competitions please see the Tournament section below.